Andy Moore
Andy's Recent Stories
Black History Month Kicks Off With Virtual Event
The Wisconsin Legislative Black Caucus kicked off the nationally celebrated Black History Month with speakers and spoken word during the live virtual event.
Monday February 1, 2021
Still Believes the Decision to Open Was Right
Monday September 14, 2020
Wisconsin Dems Host Convention Kick-Off Breakfast
State Democrats Put President Trump on the Menu
Monday August 17, 2020
Kewaunee Native Approaching Six Months of Isolation in China
Coach James Malechek Continues Quarantine with the Chinese Olympic Swimming Team
Thursday July 9, 2020
Pandemic Keeps Madison Physician Busy in Semi-Retirement
Dr. Peter Pryde oversees hopeful plasma treatments for patients with COVID-19.
Tuesday July 7, 2020
Northwoods League Baseball Underway with Full Rosters and One-Third Fan Capacity
Thursday July 2, 2020
Benedictine Sister Describes Staying at Home in a Monastery
Sister Mary David Walgenbach knows a little bit about staying home. She’s done it for 60 years.
Thursday June 25, 2020
Green Bay Meat Packing Worker Recovers from COVID-19 and Returns to Work
Guadalupe Paez Says His Life Will Never Be the Same
Thursday June 18, 2020
Oneida Nation Got Ahead of the State on Nursing Home Regulations for Coronavirus
Health Director Debbie Danforth Believes that Helped Save Lives
Tuesday June 16, 2020
Wausau Hmong Community Stays Strong in the Face of COVID-19
Mang Xiong Helps Find Relief for Hmong Small Businesses
Thursday June 11, 2020
Working at home while driving 3,000 miles-per-week
Tuesday June 2, 2020
The Pandemic’s Impact on LGBTQ Youth
PBS Wisconsin checks in with a Green Bay Preble High School LGBTQ leader, senior Daniel Croake, who talks about earning a college scholarship and how things have gone with the virtual close to his high school career. We also talk with Brian Juchems, co-director of the statewide LGBTQ youth support network, GSAFE, who will offer an overview into the pandemic’s impact on LGBTQ students.
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Pandemic Extends Wisconsin Scientist’s Stay in Antarctica
That’s the bad news. But, what if your home was in the safest spot in the world?
Thursday May 14, 2020
Global Pandemic Has Serious Impact on Those with Developmental Disabilities
PBS Wisconsin spoke with two people with developmental disabilities in Rhinelander to see how life during the pandemic was going for them. Our interview with John and Carol Anne was arranged with help from Jenny Felty, Director of Headwaters, Inc., a Rhinelander-based human services agency whose partners include the Ashland and Bayfield Counties Departments of Health and Human Services. Part 1 is a visit with John and Carol Anne. Jenny Felty provides a larger context about people with special needs during the pandemic in Part 2 which is a Q&A.
Tuesday May 5, 2020
WPR: Wisconsin Projects to Document Life During the Coronavirus Pandemic
We are living through an historic time, and it's important to document life today for posterity. We learn about two projects meant to record the experience of living through the coronavirus outbreak here in Wisconsin.
Wednesday April 22, 2020
Madison Couple Stays Safe and Sing to Their Neighbors – from a Distance
In the age of musicians live streaming, a Madison couple go live every night on their front porch.
Tuesday April 21, 2020
Iowa County Man Drives to Work to Work at Home
What happens when an information technologist can't get enough bandwidth?
Thursday April 16, 2020
Baraboo Logger Has Had to Saw His Business to the Bone
Mike Wilm is cutting wood even as he cuts payroll. How long can he keep it up?
Tuesday April 14, 2020
Milwaukee Washington High School Senior Copes with Learning and Living at Home
Milwaukee Washington High School Senior Devonta Hymes stays on schedule to graduate this spring. He's reaching out to his classmates to help them do the same.
Thursday April 9, 2020
At Home with a Fifth Generation Monticello Dairy Farmer
Jimmy Voegeli is a fifth generation Wisconsin dairy farmer with acreage in Monticello. He tells what stay-at-home means for his operation and his 220 Brown Swiss cows.
Tuesday April 7, 2020
Greendale Seamstress Sewing Facemasks Full Time
The debate over the widespread public use of facemasks is coming to a head this week. Infected people without symptoms can spread the virus. This fact is at the center of new CDC recommendations calling on the White House to consider encouraging people to routinely wear face coverings in public.
Thursday April 2, 2020
Population 4: Michael Perry and Family Hunker Down in Eau Claire County
Wisconsin author Michael Perry creates a daily, online visit with his fans.
Tuesday March 31, 2020
Noon Wednesday: County Election Websites Vulnerable
As Wisconsin voters start going to the polls in the 2020 election cycle, most counties in the state maintain websites that do not employ at least one of two basic practices that would help bolster their digital security and public confidence in their online platforms.
Wednesday March 11, 2020
Coronavirus: Wisconsin Man Quarantined in Beijing
A Wisconsin native shares his story of what it is like living under a coronavirus quarantine.
Thursday March 5, 2020
Noon Wednesday: Is Wisconsin At Risk Of An Outbreak?
Rates of unvaccinated children are on the rise in Wisconsin as more parents seek personal waivers for their children. We’re speak with pediatric professor and infectious disease specialist Dr. James Conway about the risks this may pose and our chances of an outbreak.
Wednesday September 4, 2019
Noon Wednesday: We’ve Been Here All Along
Dick Wagner chronicles the history of gay Wisconsinites prior to the 1969 Stonewall riots. His new book, "We've Been Here All Along: Wisconsin's Early Gay History," shows how people lived their lives despite severe societal homophobia. "You shouldn't assume that we have no past," Wagner says, "and our past helps define who we are today."
Wednesday June 19, 2019
Noon Wednesday: The New Normal for Rural Schools
Declining enrollments and complicated funding streams are making it harder and harder for rural schools to keep the lights on. Kim Kaukl, director if the Wisconsin Rural Schools Alliance, joins us to talk about this seemingly inescapable pattern and talk about his own story in Spring Valley.
Wednesday June 12, 2019
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