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Wisconsin Life
Wisconsin Concrete Park
11/21/2024 | 26m 26s
Explore Wisconsin Concrete Park in Philips, a celebration of the art of Fred Smith.
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Tribal Histories
St. Croix Ojibwe History
12/28/2017 | 26m 26s
Mitchell La Sarge and Wanda McFaggen tell stories of St. Croix Ojibwe history.
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Green Fire
Green Fire
01/01/2011 | 56m 56s
Aldo Leopold's journey from forester to conservation visionary.
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The Look Back
Pottawatomie Lighthouse
12/02/2024 | 10m 10s
The first lighthouse in Wisconsin was built on Rock Island in Door County.
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There is no place for racism in our society. We must work together as a community to ensure we no longer teach, or tolerate it. Read the full statement.
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