Trevor Keller
Trevor's Recent Stories
Grim COVID Milestone in Wisconsin
Here & Now’s Trevor Keller spoke with frontline pandemic workers about how they are managing and holding up as Wisconsin has recently reached over 100 COVID deaths in a single day.
Friday November 27, 2020
UW Madison Adjusts to “Smart Restart” Plan
The UW Madison starts school in a week where hundreds of students are reported positive for COVID-19 and fraternities are placed in quarantine.
Friday September 4, 2020
New COVID-19 Cases Reaches Record Increase
Wisconsin set a record for COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, with the Department of Health Services announcing 1,117 new positive cases and 13 deaths. It is the first time the state has reported more than 1,000 cases in a day. The 13 deaths is the state’s highest one-day total since June ...
Tuesday July 21, 2020
Closer Look at Tuesday Night’s Turmoil in Madison
The arrest of Devonere Johnson, a Black activist in Madison sparked a protest that turned violent. State and city-county buildings were targeted, statues toppled and a democratic state senator attacked. Republican leadership called for the Madison Mayor and Governor Evers to take more forceful action against violent protestors. Evers authorized the National Guard to support law enforcement.
Friday June 26, 2020
Boarded-Up Storefronts Provide Canvas for Change
Artists take to boarded-up storefronts on Madison's State Street to spread messages.
Wednesday June 10, 2020
Boarded-up Storefronts Become Canvas of Healing
Boarded-up storefronts are being turned into pieces of art as business owners pick up the pieces from vandalism during protests.
Thursday June 4, 2020
UW Researchers Work Toward COVID-19 Vaccine
UW-Madison's Influenza Research Institute is working on an vaccine that takes material from the novel coronavirus to update an existing flu vaccine.
Tuesday June 2, 2020
Skeptical Crawford County Man Almost County’s First Fatality
Craig Bell was skeptical COVID-19 would affect his small town in southwest Wisconsin. Now he's sharing a story of survival. Bell became Crawford County’s first case of the virus in late March. According to doctors, he was nearly its first COVID-19 fatality. He says people now ask him, "How bad really is it? Is it like the flu?” Bell says, “Not even close to the flu. This thing is mean."
Friday May 15, 2020
Craig Bell was skeptical COVID-19 would affect his small town in southwest Wisconsin. Now he's sharing a story of survival. Bell became Crawford County’s first case of the virus in late March. According to doctors, he was nearly its first COVID-19 fatality. He says people now ask him, "How bad really is it? Is it like the flu?” Bell says, “Not even close to the flu. This thing is mean."
Sunday May 10, 2020
UW’s Frontline Braces for the State to Reopen
A report on how workers on the front lines are continuing to save lives as the state prepares to reopen the economy. Healthcare workers in UW’s Hospital’s COVID-19 unit say the long hours and hard work are beginning to add up.
Friday May 1, 2020
Wisconsin Tourism Copes with COVID-19 Challenges
A report on COVID-19 in Door County and the healthcare impact of people arriving at tourist destinations during the pandemic. “I never thought in my wildest dreams I would ask people not to come to Door County,” said Door County Board Chair Dave Lienau.
Friday April 17, 2020
Door County Grapples with Safety and Lost Revenue During Pandemic
Door County residents wish Wisconsinites could visit, but urge them to stay home during the public health crisis.
Friday April 17, 2020
Legislators Push for Stronger Protections for Health Care Workers
The "Healthcare Heroes" bill would help acquire personal protective equipment as well as provide for hazard pay and paid sick leave for health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thursday April 16, 2020
Gundersen Health System Develops In-House COVID-19 Test
When testing started for COVID-19, patients waited days to get their test results back from a lab, which increased the risk of the virus spreading. Tonight, positive news on that health front as Trevor Keller shows us how one Wisconsin health care system has shortened the turnaround time.
Friday March 27, 2020
In-House Test Shows Promise to Increase Capacity
Gundersen Health System in La Crosse has developed their own in-house test for COVID-19. They say patients no longer need to wait days to get results, which might be the case if tests were sent to an outside lab. “If a test is required from the health system, we can ...
Friday March 27, 2020
Workers Feel Pressure from Coronavirus
It’s something you’d never expect to find in a city, the sound of silence. A surreal scene that played out across Wisconsin this week: bars, museums, performance venues, all closed. Savannah Bierma works part-time for the Pabst Theater Group in Milwaukee. They have cancelled all events through May 15. That ...
Friday March 20, 2020
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