Aw, shucks! Five PBS recipes to enjoy sweet corn season

August 2, 2023

As sweet as summer days are long, sweet corn is the yellow gold of Wisconsin’s hottest days. Find it in…

Three canine questions to ponder during the ‘Dog Days of Summer’

July 27, 2023

The mercury is rising, and for anyone in the Northern Hemisphere who has taken a step outside since early July,…

Get curious about cooking: 5 kid-friendly recipes for summer

June 26, 2023

Are you looking for activities to do with kids this summer? Cooking with children is a great way to encourage…

‘Around the Farm Table’ celebrates National Dairy Month

June 16, 2023

Despite California’s best efforts at dairy propaganda, we all know June might as well be called National Wisconsin Month, because…

Strawberry meals forever: 5 recipes to try this June

June 6, 2023

The short, sweet, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it strawberry season is nearly upon us here in Wisconsin. We’ve gathered our five favorite recipes –…

Four recipes to celebrate June Dairy Month

June 1, 2023

June is nearly upon us, which means we’re entering the dairy days of summer here in Wisconsin. What better way…

You cheddar believe it: An ‘Around the Farm Table’ cheese-slicing demo

May 15, 2023

Did you know that big wheels of cheese are called “truckles” before they’re turned into the small wedges that adorn…

A dish fit for the Gods: Four recipes to celebrate Shakespeare’s linguistic inventions

April 24, 2023

William Shakespeare, born 459 years ago this week (on April 23, 1564), is known primarily for three things: being an…