Make school routines and transitions smoother with help from PBS KIDS

September 5, 2023

Young children heading to school this fall may feel uncertain as they navigate new routines and learning spaces. Support your…

Teach your way with homeschool resources from PBS Wisconsin

September 1, 2023

PBS Wisconsin Education provides a world of educational media and supporting resources for educators, including parents and caregivers who homeschool…

Get ready for school with PBS KIDS activities to spark a love of learning

August 10, 2023

Helping children learn the foundational skills they’ll use when starting school can be a lot of work. With help from…

Summertime activities from your favorite PBS KIDS shows

August 1, 2023

From thunderstorms and bike rides to outdoor water play and cookouts, summertime is full of moments that make kids wonder…

Playful summer learning activities from PBS KIDS

July 13, 2023

Whether at home, on a road trip or exploring the outdoors, opportunities for playful learning are everywhere this summer! Spark…

The Lincoln Academy takes PBS KIDS learning to a new level

June 2, 2023

This spring at the Lincoln Academy in Beloit, scholars in the Play and Learn with PBS KIDS Club met once…

Invite children to think creatively with ‘Work It Out Wombats!’

March 13, 2023

The new PBS KIDS animated series Work It Out Wombats! follows the adventures of three wombat siblings, Zadie, Zeke and…

PBS Wisconsin Education helps child care providers access free training credits

February 10, 2023

Wisconsin child care providers looking for training opportunities in the Wisconsin Registry now have access to free PBS KIDS self-paced…