Masterpiece Turns 50! Celebrate With These New Programs Airing in January

December 29, 2020

This month marks the 50th anniversary of Masterpiece, the iconic PBS drama series that sparked America’s infatuation with British television….

Winter Break Activities to Keep Kids Engaged

December 27, 2020

Are the kiddos in your life on winter break from school this week? Keep them engaged and having fun with…

‘American Masters: Laura Ingalls Wilder’ Explores Cultural Legacy of Wisconsin-born Author Dec. 29

December 22, 2020

American Masters: Laura Ingalls Wilder, premiering on PBS Wisconsin at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 29, presents an unvarnished look at…

Q&A: American Players Theatre’s Melisa Pereyra on ‘Smart People’

December 21, 2020

In November, PBS Wisconsin and American Players Theatre (APT) continued its live play reading series “Out of the Woods” with…

Q&A: American Players Theatre’s Gavin Lawrence Talks ‘Nat Turner in Jerusalem’

December 15, 2020

In November, PBS Wisconsin and American Players Theatre (APT) continued its live play reading series “Out of the Woods” with…

‘Museum Secrets’ Shares the Weird and Wonderful of Famous Exhibits Beginning Dec. 16

December 9, 2020

Museum Secrets, a five-part series premiering 8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 16 on PBS Wisconsin, travels to the world’s most famous…

‘The Sins of Sor Juana’ Play Explores Life of Famed Mexican Writer

December 7, 2020

In November, PBS Wisconsin and American Players Theatre (APT) continued its live play reading series “Out of the Woods” with…

PBS Wisconsin Wins Two Midwest Emmy Awards

November 23, 2020

Two PBS Wisconsin projects won Midwest Emmy Awards during the 62nd annual Chicago/Midwest Emmy Awards virtual ceremony Nov. 22. PBS…