Empowering little learners (and grown-ups) with big feelings about starting school

August 15, 2024

If you anticipate some big feelings about starting school for a child in your family or close circle, you are…

❤️ 4 PBS KIDS activities to nurture kindness this Valentine’s Day

January 30, 2024

It’s fun to spread love on Valentine’s Day with heart-shaped candies and pun-filled cards. Another great way to show love…

Conjure Halloween fun with PBS KIDS

October 10, 2023

Looking for Halloween ideas for kids without all the tricks? PBS KIDS is packed with activities, games, costume ideas and…

Get ready for school with PBS KIDS activities to spark a love of learning

August 10, 2023

Helping children learn the foundational skills they’ll use when starting school can be a lot of work. With help from…

Summertime activities from your favorite PBS KIDS shows

August 1, 2023

From thunderstorms and bike rides to outdoor water play and cookouts, summertime is full of moments that make kids wonder…

Tiger-tastic! ‘Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood’ launches sixth season in September with “Top Ten Tiger Tales”

August 22, 2022

Hop aboard Trolley as Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood kicks off its sixth season with a week of all-new episodes beginning Sept….

PBS KIDS celebrates the season with holiday classics and new specials

December 1, 2021

PBS Wisconsin invites your family to enjoy all the holidays December has to offer. From Hanukkah to Kwanzaa and even…

Happy Birthday, Daniel Tiger! Watch his 1954 TV debut

April 5, 2017

Happy birthday, Daniel Tiger! Watch our favorite little tiger puppet make his April 5, 1954 TV debut on WQED’s  “The…