Q&A: Pete Schwaba, Director’s Cut

March 21, 2019

From his home base in Marinette, writer, director and comedian Pete Schwaba remains connected to the independent film community as…

What We Watch: Garry Denny

August 17, 2018

Bringing Wisconsin Public Television’s delightful mix of programming together takes a lot more work than most of us realize. Beyond…

Isthmus of Misfits on Director’s Cut

June 18, 2015

This week, Director’s Cut welcomes Andrew Butts to discuss his film Isthmus of Misfits. This documentary explores Madison’s stand-up comedy scene…

A Solid Indie Film Produced in Wisconsin

May 21, 2015

This week, Director’s Cut welcomes David Nordstrom: writer, producer, director, editor and lead actor for the film Sawdust City. Everyone who…

An ‘Unforgettable’ New Season of Director’s Cut

April 30, 2015

Director’s Cut kicks off its eighth season with the documentary “Unforgettable.” Director Eric Williams and his brother Brad – the…

Where’d That Come From

March 19, 2014

Often, we take everyday stuff for granted only to occasionally ponder a thing’s origin. If you’ve ever wondered how timber is…

A Journey Into Adulthood

July 12, 2013

POV “Only the Young” – with sun-drenched visuals and a soul-music soundtrack – airs Monday night at 9 on Wisconsin…

Looking Toward Directors Cut’s All-New Season

February 24, 2012

With The Oscars – one of the world’s biggest celebrations of film – this weekend, it is a great time…