Terrence Wall on Democrats, Trump and the democratic process
Real estate developer Terrence Wall, attending the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, discusses his criticisms of Democrats and former President Donald Trump's comments on dictatorship.
By Steven Potter, Nathan Denzin | Here & Now
August 7, 2024
Steven Potter:
Democrats are claiming that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. What's your response there?
Terrence Wall:
Well, the Democrats are notorious for projecting. They project their own storyline onto others. So they are the threat to democracy. They have clearly demonstrated that over four years with constant changes of rules about voting. They're trying to flood the country with illegal immigrants who they then want to get them to vote illegally. And they are the ones who are the threat to democracy. They are the socialists. They are the Marxists. That's why I emerging everybody in America speak out. You gotta stand up, speak out. Don't let them hijack this country. They've hijacked the Democratic party. You know, there are many, many liberals and Democrats who are not like that. And there's a small fringe that's controlling that party, and their goal is to create chaos, and that's very clearly demonstrated over four years. Republicans, we want to have the American dream. We want everybody to live that American dream, to have the opportunities of being able to build their own business or to go to college or an apprenticeship or a tech school, if they want, without going into debt for 25 years. I mean, it's insane how things have gone down the toilet in the last four years.
Steven Potter:
What do you think about Trump's statement to be dictator for one day?
Terrence Wall:
So, that was not his original statement. That was made by the Democrats. Unfortunately, he took that up as a joke and then the media projects that joke as if it was serious. And Trump likes to joke around, and the media's always taking those things and make them sound like he was absolutely serious about it, and he's the farthest thing from that as possible. He has gone through, as a developer, he's gone through his whole life. He's gone through the democratic process to get projects approved, dealing with neighborhood associations, plan commissions, hundreds of commissions and committees and cities, councils. He has participated in the democratic process more than probably any political candidate in this hall. So he's all about democracy.
Steven Potter:
So are Democrats' claims overblown?
Terrence Wall:
They're not only overblown, they're just completely made up and phony.
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