
Ron Johnson on inflation, abortion and running for Senate

By Steven Potter | Here & Now

October 4, 2022

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Wisconsin's incumbent Republican U.S. Senator discusses why he is seeking support from voters in the 2022 election, as well as the significance of rising prices and Roe v. Wade being overturned.

Steven Potter:
Let's start, Senator Johnson, with voters. As you campaign around the state, what are Wisconsin residents telling you that they want from the US Senate right now?

Ron Johnson:
Well, they'd like some relief from inflation. Record gasoline prices, I know they've come down a little bit. But nationally, we're still 60% higher than we were at the start of the Biden administration. Wisconsin, almost double. A dollar that you held at the start of the Biden administration is now worth 88.3 cents. So those are two of the primary issues.

But they're concerned about rising crime. They're concerned about the deadly drugs flowing in through our open border. Talked to sheriffs and they used to be concerned about shutting down meth labs. Don't have to do that anymore because the open border has put those meth labs out of business.

So again, it's a 40 year high inflation. It's what were record gas prices are still high. Rising crime, the open borders, the flood of illegal immigrants. But in Wisconsin here, were primarily being impacted by that, by the deadly drugs.

Steven Potter:
What can the US Senate do about inflation?

Ron Johnson:
Stop spending so much money. Inflation, it's pretty easy to understand what caused it. It's massive deficit spending. It's printing dollars. You have way too many dollars chasing too few goods.

But doesn't help that the Democrats are engaged in a war on fossil fuels and have purposely driven up the cost of gasoline and other energy prices. That's a component to the cost of every product and service you buy.

And then a lot of this deficit spending is being spent benefits for individuals, allowing them to stay out of the workforce. So we have low labor participation rates. Go through Wisconsin, probably not a business that can hire enough people, so they can't fill their shifts, they can't meet demand for the products. So there you go. You've got way too many dollars chasing even fewer goods. And the energy component to those cost goods is also impacting inflation.

Steven Potter:
The Supreme Court has overturned a Roe versus Wade. What is your stance on abortion?

Ron Johnson:
I think that was the correct decision. Having nine justices decide this for all of our nation didn't end the debate. So now it's going out to the people. And in 50 states, people use democratic process to answer this question.

Here's the fundamental question of this profound moral issue. At what point does society have the responsibility to protect life? How do you balance the rights of a woman versus the rights of an unborn child? And I think that's what needs to be decided. It's a profound moral issue.