Key Jennings on Democrats pursuing Black voters in 2024
Democratic Party of Wisconsin Black Coalition Manager Key Jennings discusses encouraging voters to try to convince friends and family members to cast their ballots in the 2024 presidential election.
By Murv Seymour | Here & Now
September 12, 2024
Key Jennings:
Imagine being able to just talk to three people a week, maybe change one person's mind a week. You could literally be the difference. I just want you to imagine November 6, the day after the election, Donald Trump is in office and he promises to deport this person and criminalize this person and target this neighborhood. Then we realize, "Dang it, I could have done more when it was neck and neck." Right now. This is the time. This is the time when it was the chance to actually do something is right now. We don't wanna wait until November 6. I'm not a preacher and I don't wanna preach to you, but I just feel it in my heart that this is our time. And a lot of people don't realize that this could be the fate of what direction we want to go as a country. So the history books will mark this time as, "Wow, they made the right choice," or, "They made the wrong choice." So last thing I will say, division is the focus of the Republican Party, but I truly believe that we are stronger together. So that being said, talk to friends, talk to family members. Don't let them get away with sitting on the sideline. Let's do this together.
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