
Josh Kaul on public safety and the attorney general office

By Zac Schultz | Here & Now

October 18, 2022

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The Democratic incumbent attorney general of Wisconsin discusses why he is running in the 2022 election for the office and offers criticisms of his opponent related to performing the job's duties.

Josh Kaul:
There are a huge number of things that go into making our communities safer and stronger, and that certainly includes law enforcement agencies, local DAs. It includes things like making sure we have strong communities so that people are less likely to commit crimes in the first place. But the AG's office has an important role to play in making our communities safer as well, and that's why it's so important to have somebody who is up to the job of being AG. I spent part of my career as a federal prosecutor in Baltimore. I prosecuted drug trafficking, gang members, and homicides. And as AG our administration has investigated and prosecuted some of the most serious offenses. We need to have an AG who's gonna continue to be a leader, not only in investigating and prosecuting cases, but in making progress on things like getting resources to law enforcement around the state and advocating for changes to our laws that will make our communities safer.

Zac Schultz:
Considering that the legislature is most likely to remain a Republican control for the foreseeable future, your opponent says that he's in the best position to advocate for communities on behalf through the Republican legislature, while he says you have a more adversarial role with the legislature. How do you respond to that?

Josh Kaul:
Well, I think you can look at my record from the last four years and see that the opposite is true. We've made it a priority throughout my administration to advocate for policies that are in the interest of public safety, and we've delivered on issue after issue. Reforming our sexual assault kit laws was a priority of mine, and we got that legislation passed. We've also worked to advocate for increased training for law enforcement agencies around the state, and we got additional funding for training. On top of that, we've worked with the legislature to get some legislation passed that supports law enforcement officers that hadn't been passed previously like ensuring that benefits are available to families who lose a family member in the line of duty. We've also got protections in place for officers who suffer from PTSD. So we've had real results, and part of the reason that's happened is that I'm willing to stand up to the legislature and call on them to act. That's the kind of leadership we need. My opponent has been unwilling to stand up to the Republicans and the legislature and when that happens, you don't see the kind of progress on public safety issues that we've seen during my tenure.

Statement to the Communities We Serve

There is no place for racism in our society. We must work together as a community to ensure we no longer teach, or tolerate it.  Read the full statement.