
Josh Kaul on monitoring the 2024 election around Wisconsin

Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul discusses how Election Day 2024 went in Wisconsin and efforts by local and state officials to count every vote and bolster confidence in the election process.

By Zac Schultz | Here & Now

November 6, 2024

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Attorney General Josh Kaul:
Yeah, well, by and large, the voting process went smoothly. There were some hiccups in places. As you mentioned, at UW-Whitewater, there were long lines. Fortunately, you know, steps had been taken to address that situation. In Milwaukee, what we saw is actually the process working in the way it was supposed to. There was a concern identified. Action was taken. And we're going to make sure that the process works the way it should, or at least the folks in the Milwaukee Election Commission will make sure it works the way it should. You know, we're going to make — it's critical that every vote is counted and that the results we get reflect the will of the voters. That has happened consistently in Wisconsin elections, and I'm confident it's going to happen again in this election.

Zac Schultz:
How important was it in Milwaukee that Sen. Ron Johnson and Brian Schimming were there right away and were supportive of what was going on instead of calling fraud?

Attorney General Josh Kaul:
Well, it's always good to see people of both parties acknowledging that the system is working the way it should. It's unfortunate that we've had so much election denialism and attacks on the system of elections we have, because the reality is we have safe and secure elections. They are free and fair, and it's been tested over and over again. In 2016, we had a statewide recount. In 2020, we had recounts in our two largest counties. We had lots of litigation in 2020. And over and over again, that's shown that our system works. So I'm glad to see it's working again this year, and I hope we start to see people acknowledging that rather than raising baseless concerns about our elections.

Zac Schultz:
What is the DOJ going to be looking for over the next few days as some of these results, especially these close ones and state Senate or Assembly races are being finalized?

Attorney General Josh Kaul:
Well, first and foremost, again, we want to make sure that every ballot is counted and that the results reflect the will of the voters. Now, there may be challenges to the results. We'll see how that shakes out, but we're going to follow things as they unfold. And if there are cases, we will defend this state. And you know, I'm confident that our election officials are doing the right thing. But we're of course going to work to make sure that all the laws are followed and that the processes unfold appropriately.

Zac Schultz:
What can you tell me about the bomb threats that came in across Wisconsin?

Attorney General Josh Kaul:
Well, there were in cities across the country some threats that were made. Fortunately, law enforcement was able to determine that it was a hoax. Nobody in Wisconsin was in danger. Of course, we never want to see any kinds of concerns like that about people's safety, and there should be appropriate follow-up. But Wisconsinites can rest assured that the process was safe and secure and that those were, that was a hoax.