
Josh Kaul on averting 2024 voting interference in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul, attending the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, discusses working with officials and clerks to prepare for and deter election interference threats.

By Zac Schultz | Here & Now

August 26, 2024

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Attorney General Josh Kaul:
Absolutely. We're prepared to respond as the situations dictate. So, one of the things we do in the lead up to major elections, like the the upcoming presidential election, is we work with the state Election Commission. They then issue guidance to clerks around the state. That can take a number of forms, and it's responsive to the concerns that that local clerks are seeing. We also communicate with DAs and law enforcement about what the law is and what their options are, and we serve as a resource if issues arise. So, you know, we will see what issues there are. We're certainly prepared to respond as they come up. What I can say is that I am confident that if there is illegal action that takes place around the election, there's gonna be an appropriate response. And I also am confident that we are going to have a successful election. Part of the reason we hear these concerns raised where people make, they either have innuendos or suggestions about how they're going to interfere with the process. They're trying to intimidate people and scare them away from voting. We can't let that happen. We need to make sure that people know that their rights are gonna be protected, and that their vote is going to count, and that the will of the voters will prevail. That's what happened in 2020, despite the efforts to overturn the results, and I'm confident that's what's gonna happen again.

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