
John Beauchamp on work to get out the vote for Schimel

Jefferson County Republican Party Vice Chairman John Beauchamp discusses efforts to appeal to Trump voters and to independents and Democrats for 2025 Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Brad Schimel.

By Zac Schultz | Here & Now

March 27, 2025

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John Beauchamp:
Most people kind of know where their allegiances lie — Schimel versus Crawford — but, you know, we even have a lot of people reach out and asking, "Hey, I'm a Republican. Who are my candidates? Who do we vote for?" So, yeah, there is a little bit of a balance, because we're not only trying to get the Trump voters back to voting for Schimel, we're also trying to reach across, and there may be people that think, "Well, you know, we want someone who's a little bit more tough on crime," because crime is a big issue for Wisconsin specifically, and someone like Schimel who has a proven record of being tough on crime and spending his life locking up violent criminal — just violent criminals essentially — that's someone that those types of people want. So we are spending a good deal of time and energy messaging and reaching out to those more moderates and even Democrats, and we're hearing some favorable things.