Brother Wolf: Q&A with Jeremy St. Arnold

February 20, 2019

Ma’iingan: Brother Wolf premieres 7 p.m. Monday, March 4. In this new documentary, Jeremy St. Arnold, a wildlife biologist for the…

What We Watch: Garden expert Melinda Myers

January 22, 2019

It might feel like the doldrums of winter, but spring is just around the corner. Wisconsin Public Television’s Garden &…

WPT Year in Review: 2018

December 20, 2018

What a year! We had new programs, new forms of community engagement, new places to go and – above all…

Hmong Food in Wisconsin

December 17, 2018

As we continue to celebrate the many food traditions that have developed throughout our state, we recognize the stories of…

Week 9 Patisserie Recap: The 2018 Great Wisconsin Baking Challenge

September 3, 2018

Ça va, mes amis? Here we are in the semifinal week, and as much as Mel, Sue and your humble…

Local cooks rise to the Create Cooking Challenge

August 3, 2018

Creative cooking shows – from unique international flavors to  comforting favorites – have long been a key part of the…

The Great American Read: Author Lesley Kagen shares her picks

July 20, 2018

As we read, debate and vote on the books of The Great American Read, we’ve had the delightful opportunity to discuss…

The Great American Read: Author Patrick Rothfuss weighs in

June 26, 2018

As we read, debate and vote on the books of The Great American Read, bestselling author – and Wisconsin native…