Women and Barriers After Incarceration
"When you talk about Black women that have been incarcerated, our system doesn't even know what to do."—Carmella Glenn

Video still courtesy of archive.org and the Prelinger Archives collection. "Our Prisons" (A & B Rolls) Documentary of prisons and reformatory institutions in Kansas and Michigan, 1956.
Resources for People Currently or Formerly Incarcerated Preparing for Reentry
Legal Action of Wisconsin’s Reentry Legal Services Program
This non-profit law firm provides free civil legal services and runs the Reentry Legal Services Program that looks to empower formerly incarcerated people and give them a path forward as they build a stable life outside of prison.
The Job Center of Wisconsin Toolkit for Formerly Incarcerated People
Resources and links offered to assist formerly incarcerated people to reenter into their community.
Milwaukee 53206 List of Organizations Supporting Re-entry
The documentary Milwaukee 53206 put together a list of groups that support people while in prison, when they leave, or if they have a loved one incarcerated.
Milwaukee Reentry Council and the Smart Reentry Program
The Milwaukee Reentry Council, as part of the Wisconsin Department of Justice’s Smart Reentry Program, provides support to formerly incarcerated people during a very vulnerable time in their lives: the months leading up to their release from incarceration as well as the year after they return to the community.
Nehemiah Reentry Services
Nehemiah: Center for Urban Leadership Development provides a wide array of culturally competent and relevant programs to meet the needs of men who are leaving jail or prison.
JustDane’s many programs work to inspire hope for individuals returning to Dane County after incarceration by breaking down the barriers that can prevent them from fully participating in the community and the lives of their families.
Benedict Center’s The Women’s Reentry Program
The Women’s Reentry Program is a voluntary program designed to support women while incarcerated at the Milwaukee County House of Correction and their transition back into the community.
Project RETURN
Project RETURN (Returning Ex-incarcerated people To Urban Realities and Neighborhoods) exists to help men and women make a positive, permanent return to their community, family, and friends. Programs offered work to address the direct needs of those served and lower the chances of recidivism.
Opening Avenues to Reentry Success (OARS)
OARS supports the prison-to-community transition of people who are incarcerated and are living with a serious and persistent mental illness that are medium-to-high-risk of reoffending. The program is a collaborative effort of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections and the Department of Health Services.
Partners In Hope
Partners In Hope is a voluntary, faith-based, 18-month collaborative effort between volunteers from the law enforcement, faith, and business communities to build mentoring relationships with participants that instill positive life skills and values for sustainable employment.
The Milwaukee Islamic Dawah Center Ibrahim House Program
The Ibrahim House Program works with Muslims who are formerly incarcerated to support their faith needs, find sustainable employment, and provide leadership development training so that they are productive members of society.
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