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Marc Kornblatt|Director

Born and raised in Edison, New Jersey, Marc graduated from Brandeis University and began a professional theatrical career as an acting apprentice at New Hampshire’s Peterborough Playhouse. After six years, he earned a master’s in journalism from NYU, and for over two decades has written for newspapers and magazines, and published children’s books including the award-winning novels Understanding Buddy and Izzy’s Place.

An elementary school teacher since 2001, Kornblatt made four music videos and two documentaries,Community and The Making of Carried Away, all featuring students at his school. In 2010 his play Refuge won the Beverley Hills Theater Guild Julie Harris Award. He used the money to make Alone Together, which played at the Green Bay International Film Festival, Detroit Windsor International Film Festival and Wildwood Festival. Kornblatt wrote, directed, composed and performed the score for Alone Together as well as his second short,Walk the Walk, 2011. He recently finished two more short films, Bring on the Magic and Old Country Lullaby.

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Statement to the Communities We Serve

There is no place for racism in our society. We must work together as a community to ensure we no longer teach, or tolerate it.  Read the full statement.