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"It's like a lighthouse. A beacon of light in a sea of darkness."
The Veteran Village | Wisconsin
"Every step, every mile that you put in, you feel yourself becoming better. You feel yourself changing."
Warrior Expeditions | Wisconsin
"All of a sudden I could do everything they talked about in therapy, but I never thought I could do."
Patriot K9 Partners | Wisconsin
"You don't have to wear stripes on your arms to go out and motivate people, to lead people, to make a change, to do something different."
"I wanted to fix myself and I wanted to fix everybody else but I needed the answers."
Jenn | Wisconsin
"Why did I come home with not one scratch on me?"
Brandon | Wisconsin
"I had gone from living, and breathing and working with the same group of people to just being out on my own by myself."
Crystal | Wisconsin
"Being on edge 24 hours a day, that’s the thing that gets to most soldiers, gets to you when you come back home and you’re trying to recover from that."
"The things I did make complete sense in a combat zone."
Steve | Wisconsin
"I never want to pretend that I haven’t gone through it."
David | Wisconsin
"So we really have a warm spot in our heart for veterans but we really try to help everybody."
Mobility 4 Vets
"That was the single most terrifying thing I’ve ever done in my life. I lost my best friend there. I lost a lot of good, good people."
Tyler Slabey
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