
'Here & Now' Highlights: US Rep. Gwen Moore, Sen. Melissa Agard

Here's what guests on the November 17, 2023 episode said about domestic violence and firearms, and approval of state funding for the Milwaukee Brewers stadium.

By Frederica Freyberg | Here & Now

November 20, 2023

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Frederica Freyberg sits at a desk on the Here & Now set and faces a video monitor showing an image of Gwen Moore.

Frederica Freyberg and U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (Credit: PBS Wisconsin)

U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Milwaukee, introduced a resolution in Congress calling attention to violence against women and preventing domestic abusers from accessing guns — she discussed the urgency of this issue. Gov. Tony Evers is expected to sign a Milwaukee Brewers stadium funding package passed in the state Legislature — state Senate Minority Leader Melissa Agard described her support for the plan.

U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore

  • The U.S. Supreme Court is considering United States v. Rahimi, the case of a Texas man who argued his Second Amendment rights were violated because a 1994 federal law prohibited him from having a gun as the subject of a domestic violence restraining order. Responding to the urgency of the high court potentially overturning that law, Moore introduced a resolution highlighting the connection between firearms and domestic violence homicides.
  • Moore: “We had seen a decline in domestic abuse thanks to the work of a lot of agencies all around the country. But in the last years, there’s been a huge uptick. In 2021-2022, we saw a huge uptick in domestic violence, and particularly with the use of guns in Wisconsin, we’ve seen this have a disparate impact in minority communities. But with regard to the split between urban and rural communities, it’s just about half and half. So it’s not just an urban problem, it’s not just a rural problem. And of course, the victims disproportionately seem to be women. And so we can’t pretend that it’s not a social problem — that women, children, other family members that are nearby aren’t affected by this scourge.”


State Sen. Melissa Agard
Minority Leader, D-Madison

  • The Brewers stadium funding package passed by the Wisconsin Legislature will keep the team in Milwaukee until 2050 – more than a quarter century.The slimmed down state contribution of an estimated nearly $366 million – with the help of ticket surcharges — helped push bipartisan approval of the plan. Agard helped negotiate the terms of the deal.
  • Agard: “It’s important to me that the Milwaukee Brewers are here in Wisconsin and in Milwaukee. They’re part of our culture. As a state that is suffering from an awful lot of outmigration of our young people, to me it is vitally important that we think about the impacts of our culture leaving our state. Making sure that the Brewers stay here in Wisconsin not only is good for the talking points and, you know, the vision of what Wisconsin is going to look like, but we also know that it’s good-paying jobs for the people that work at the stadium. That it provides additional revenue to counties around the state of Wisconsin because we were able to negotiate a decrease in sales tax fees that the state will collect from those communities. That we know that there are good jobs that will go into the renovations that need to happen at the stadium. Ultimately, it hits a lot of marks on how it is that Wisconsin will benefit from keeping the Brewers here.”


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