County Exec. David Crowley on listening to Black voters
Milwaukee County County Executive David Crowley, a Democrat attending the 2024 RNC, considers issues of economic opportunity, racism and outreach to Black voters who live in a segregated community.
By Zac Schultz | Here & Now
July 17, 2024
County Exec. David Crowley:
I think — and when we talk about opportunity zones, I'm not sure what opportunity zones, particularly in Milwaukee, has really benefited Black Milwaukeeans and really benefited Black businesses, just to be quite frank with you. I do know that the Century City has been designated, but there hasn't been as much infrastructure being built in that particular community. But again, even when we talk about, particularly Black Americans, I know that folks want to talk about jobs, and being a business owner, but sometimes folks don't know how to actually address Black folks. I'm glad Senator Tim Scott was in a Black neighborhood, but let's face it, one of the first things he said on the convention floor was that racism doesn't exist. And whether you're a Democrat or a Republican and happen to be Black, living in one of the most segregated communities in the United States like Milwaukee County, then you have to go, "Ah, not quite, not so fast." So, I think at the end of the day, particularly Republicans, they need to figure out, not only how you have conversations in Black communities, but you really have to listen to folks, particularly business owners and those who are struggling.
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