Donna Crane
Donna's Recent Stories
Librarian Continues to Provide Resources
Although the Brown County Library is closed to the public, Mary Jane Herber is working to answer questions and provide books.
Tuesday June 9, 2020
Final Voyage Of The Christmas Tree Ship
One Wisconsin Christmas story that stands out is an early 20th Century shipwreck that serves as a reminder of the often-dangerous conditions faced by those who have plied the Great Lakes' waters.
Thursday December 20, 2018
Rethinking Treatment Of Traumatic Brain Injuries Among Children With Disabilities
Young children inevitably fall as they learn what they can do physically and experiment with their limits. If a fall results in a blow to the head, the child may have sustained a traumatic brain injury.
Friday December 7, 2018
Recreational Trails Offer Connective Pathways Through Wisconsin History
As state trails snake around Wisconsin, they wind through cities, towns and farm fields, along lake shores and river banks, connecting communities to each other and providing a pathway to and from adjoining states.
Thursday May 24, 2018
Tracking Glaciers Along The Edges Of The Driftless Area
Sediments left behind from the edges of the retreating ice sheets are providing geologists with a unique opportunity to better determine when the glaciers covered Wisconsin's Driftless Area.
Thursday March 15, 2018
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