Wrapping Up the Fifth Season of Director’s Cut
June 13, 2012 Leave a Comment
Today, WPT Producer Mary Pokorney-Donelan joins the Be more TunedIn blog to offer a behind-the-curtain look at the final three Director’s Cut films coming to WPT this summer.
We are almost there. On June 25, we will tape the final three programs to complete Season Five of Director’s Cut. Like the rest of the season, the lineup reflects the interesting variety we have put together for DC viewers.
All three films are documentaries, but that is the only similarity they have. Each one is incredibly unique from the other.
We will start by sitting down with Producer Timm Gable to talk about his film, “It’s Happiness: A Polka Documentary”. You may have preconceived ideas of what this documentary will be about, but you will be surprised. While it does cover the history of polka in Wisconsin, it goes far beyond that. The film follows engaging characters like Art, who is struggling to keep the doors of Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall open, to Polka Boosters President John Pinter, who is leading the passionate fight to bring polka to a younger audience and keeping the music alive.
Watch the trailer now:
Next we change gears to a gritty documentary called “Nerdcore for Life”. What is Nerdcore? Simply put, it’s nerds rapping about, well…nerd stuff. Director/Producer Dan Lamoureux will sit down with Charles to discuss how this sub-genre of hip-hop music came to be and introduce you to the nerds who rap and the fans who love them.
Watch the “Nerdcore for Life” trailer (Warning: Adult Language in this Trailer)
Finally we end the day sitting down with Director Douglas Rosenberg and his wife, esteemed dancer/choreographer Li Chiao-Ping. If you are a regular viewer of WPT, you are probably familiar with Rosenberg’s films like “Dances for Television” and “Seven Solos”. We will discuss the world of dance, Chiao-Ping’s road to recover from an accident, and how this couple thrives both personally and professionally.
Watch the trailer for “Seven Solos:”
Stay tuned to wpt.org in coming months for air dates and times!
Film Director's Cut Director's Cut Home video public television Trailer Wisconsin Public Television Wisconsin Public Television Program youtube Documentary films