Roger Ebert’s return to television
January 20, 2011 Leave a Comment
Watch Ebert Presents At the Movies at 10 p.m. Friday on Wisconsin Public Television.
When I head to the theater to see a new film, there is one person’s opinion that I have turned to for many years when deciding what to see — Roger Ebert’s. I was first exposed to Ebert’s work as part of his television program with Gene Siskel, Siskel and Ebert at the Movies. Later, I became a regular reader of his longtime work with the Chicago Sun-Times. As a writer he is a creative critic who loves the medium of film. He is also a well-thought columnist on a number of issues. Ebert left television after his battle with thyroid and salivary cancer left him without the ability to speak. Despite this setback, he continued to write some of his finest work and started Roger Ebert’s Journal — one of the most interactive and thoughtful forums on the web.
Now, Ebert — and the famous thumbs — returns to the public television home that first put him and Siskel on the air. The new program will feature reviews from Christy Lemire of The Associated Press and Ignatiy Vishnevetsky of It will also feature a regular segment from Ebert, who will use a computer voice to share his opinions and outlook on films new and old.
Watch a recent piece on Roger Ebert’s new voice from CBS Sunday Morning below and click here to read Ebert’s column about his experience with the development of a prosthetic chin for his altered appearance after surgery.
Schedule public television Wisconsin Public Television Wisconsin Public Television Program