It’s Not Too Late to Get Hooked on Downton Abbey

January 6, 2012 Wisconsin Public Television Leave a Comment

We’ve written a lot about the upcoming season of Masterpiece Classic “Downton Abbey,” but this post is a bit different. It’s intended for the non-believers, the ones, like me, who have ignored Downton Abbey.

That’s right, I completely ignored the first season of Downton Abbey. Not even all the Emmy Award hype could get me to give it a chance. Yet, for whatever reason, I turned on the tube New Year’s Eve and caught the last half of the final episode. I was hooked. The dialogue, romance and rivalry between characters is sharp, and the multitude of story lines keep the series clipping along. I’ll admit, when it comes to Masterpiece I’m more of a Mystery fan (think Wallander or Sherlock) but I found Downton to be equally intriguing and even a bit suspenseful. I guess my point is, if you have written off Downton like I did, try reconsidering. Season Two begins this Sunday. See the schedule here. I’m not sure you need to, but if you’d like to catch up, Season One is streaming online until Jan. 18. And if time isn’t on your side, just begin with the last half of the Season One Finale like I did and get hooked on Downton Abbey.

And now, for believers and non-believers alike, here’s a preview of Season Two. If the first season was good, the second is sure to be great as the glittering culture of Downton is thrown into the turmoil of World War I.

Watch Downton Abbey I Wonder Preview on PBS. See more from Masterpiece.


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