Frontline, ESPN and "League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis"
August 23, 2013 Leave a Comment
The producers of Frontline are used to reporting the news. But, their former partnership with ESPN on the documentary, “League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis” has been the focus of headlines across newspapers, TV and radio lately. You can read Frontline‘s statement on the issue here.
RELATED: NFL, Retired Players Settle Concussion Lawsuit
The New York Times reported on ESPN’s withdrawal from the partnership in this in-depth report, “N.F.L. Pressure Said to Lead ESPN to Quit Film Project.” That article’s author -and a co-author of the book, “Those Guys Have All the Fun: Inside the World of ESPN” – James Andrew Miller joined the Dan Patrick Show Aug. 23, the day after the story broke to discuss the issue further. You can watch and listen to that segment in the interview below.
Despite all of the angles of this story, the most important piece of information is that you will be able to watch the full investigation on Wisconsin Public Television October 8. Watch the hard-hitting trailer, which includes part of the NFL concussion storyline around Wisconsin native and longtime Pittsburgh Steelers center Mike Webster, below.
Then, watch a 2011 Here and Now report on the concerns over concussions in high school and college football right here in Wisconsin.
Frontline Here and Now Author Concussions PBS League of Denial: NFL's Concussion Crisis public television NFL Wisconsin Public Television Wisconsin Public Television Program youtube Documentary