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Note to Self
[00:00:08] You won’t find me beneath somebody’s window singing from the hole in my chest. I’ve never been in love. I think I’m too afraid to find out how much of a shackle love is. How will have you drive across states to deliver a glass of water to somebody who already has a well. Have you laid up. Happier with somebody than you’ve ever been with yourself. Have you smilin’ tall as a house. Thinking about the bodies you will grow in it. How it never rests have you awake just to give it more time to make room of itself. There was a beautiful thing that makes me cower a thing that could bud or die or sit in my throat. If I let it I don’t want this beautiful thing that breathes close that makes me intimate with other people to see their wickedness and ask for more please to see their joy and always want to lie in it to be two bodies at once. I suppose if one day I find myself with a hole in my chest I’ll have to learn how to sing from my stomach.
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