Lack of snow, warm weather leads to lower harvest in Wisconsin's 2023 gun season opening weekend
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources reported hunters killed 16% fewer deer during the first weekend of the state's 2023 gun season than in 2022, attributing this downturn to a lack of snow and warm temperatures suppressing deer movement.
Associated Press
November 21, 2023

(Credit: PBS Wisconsin)
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A lack of snow and warm temperatures that suppressed deer movement led to a lackluster opening weekend of Wisconsin’s nine-day gun season in 2023, with hunters killing thousands fewer deer than in 2022.
The state Department of Natural Resources released preliminary data on Nov. 21 that showed hunters registered 92,050 deer compared with 103,623 deer in 2022. That’s a 16% drop-off from 2022 and 10% fewer deer than the five-year average for opening weekend. Hunters also registered 51,870 bucks, down 13% from 56,638 over opening weekend in 2022.
The number of potential hunters dipped slightly from 2022, too. The DNR reported that sales of all types of licenses that allow the killing of a deer using a firearm stood at 539,811 as of midnight on Nov. 19. That’s down nearly 3% from the 556,501 licenses sold by the same point in 2022.
The DNR’s deer specialist, Jeff Pritzl, speculated during a news conference that the lack of snow across the state likely helped deer blend into the landscape, making them harder to spot and trail. And warmer temperatures on Nov. 18 and Nov. 19 likely discouraged deer from moving, he said. Pritzl said, too, that he’d heard anecdotes of areas with a lot of acorns on the ground, which means deer don’t have to move much to find food.
He added that northern Wisconsin saw a particularly severe winter in 2022-23, which may have led to heightened deer mortality and a sparser herd in that region of the state, he said.
Forecasts call for cooler temperatures and dry weather for the rest of the nine-day season, which could spark more deer movement in the woods, DNR officials said.
Hunters killed 203,295 deer during the 2022 nine-day gun season. Pritzl said about half of the season total comes during opening weekend; that would put the state on pace for a 184,100 deer harvest in the 2023 season.
Separately, DNR officials reported two firearm-related injuries over the weekend.
On Saturday morning a 53-year-old man in Forest County shot himself as he was adjusting his rifle sling on the way to his tree stand.
On Sunday morning a 62-year-old man in Adams County was hunting from a vehicle on private property when he shot at a dog that he thought was an antlerless deer. He missed the dog but hit the 47-year-old woman who was walking the dog in the stomach.
The woman was taken to a hospital, Lt. Mike Weber, a DNR warden who serves as administrator of the department’s hunter education efforts, said during the news conference. Asked if the hunter would be charged, Weber said the incident remains under investigation. He said the man was disabled and as such was allowed to legally hunt from a vehicle.
The DNR reported six firearm-related hunting injury incidents during the 2022 gun season. Three of those incidents involved self-inflicted wounds.
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