Evers: 'Wear a Freaking Mask'
As the two presidential campaigns visit Wisconsin, Gov. Tony Evers urges residents to do what they can to stop the spread of the virus. This as Wisconsin sees another day of 5,000+ new cases.
October 30, 2020

Gov. Tony Evers addresses the Wisconsin Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 128th Infantry Regiment, during a sendoff ceremony July 14 at the University of Wisconsin-Stout in Menomonie, Wis. The approximately 400 Soldiers will deploy as a security element for coalition forces in the Central Command theater of operations. (Courtesy: Staff Sgt. Katie Eggers / Wisconsin National Guard)
Wisconsin passed 5,000 new daily cases for the second time since the beginning of the pandemic, recording 5,096 cases and 24 deaths Friday.
“I think it’s important to understand that there’s still time to turn this around,” said state epidemiologist Dr. Ryan Westergaard said during a Friday media briefing. “We know what to do to reduce transmission, to bend the curve, and we need to do it.”
The briefing comes the same day President Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden rally just four days out from Election Day. Gov. Tony Evers, who has been critical of the president’s rallies in the past for their potential to spread the coronavirus, said mask wearing was a must.
“If we want to do this right and stop [the virus] in its tracks, people have to wear a freaking mask,” Evers said.
“I’ve seen how the Biden campaign has dealt with this in a really proactive way: small crowds, people being in cars,” he added. “One campaign is sure the hell more safe than the other, and so I don’t see any hypocrisy there.”
As the state continues to battle the coronavirus, the governor said Friday the state is in need of more COVID-related funds as federal CARES Act funding is set to dry up at the end of the year.
“I’m encouraging people at home and in the political world to make sure that they’re harassing their federal folks to encourage them to get another bill together,” Evers said. “This is a national emergency, we need a national response.”
In lieu of a national bill, discussions of which are currently stalled, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said this week that he would be willing to bring the Legislature back into session to pass a COVID-19 relief bill.
Evers said Friday however, he had not had any conversations with legislative Republicans about a potential relief bill.
“I’m interested in meeting with him [Vos], I don’t think the meeting’s been set up, to my knowledge,” Evers said.
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