What We Watch: Peg Billing, Lakeland Union High School
May 27, 2021 Leave a Comment
Peg Billing is the library media specialist at Lakeland Union High School in Minocqua and is part of PBS Wisconsin Education’s PBS Media Literacy Certification Educator Cohort. Here are her top public television picks.
Wisconsin Foodie is the best! Who does not like to learn about great things to eat at some amazing Wisconsin restaurants, heritages, towns and festivals? This show is always discussion-worthy in my house and with friends in planning our next great adventure.
Around the Farm Table with Inga rates right up there. Inga is always out on an adventure sharing the many features of Wisconsin farm families and producers while giving a geography lesson on the local area. Who could not enjoy the “More Cheese, Please” episode? After all, Wisconsin is cheese!
Curious Traveler is another favorite, as this show allows us to travel and revisit places that right now we cannot. As a librarian, this travel always inspires my next great book topic to read about!
PBS Media Literacy Educator Certification Wisconsin Foodie Around the Farm Table PBS Wisconsin Education