Watch the Future of Racing on Public Television
February 24, 2012 Leave a Comment
Watch POV: Racing Dreams at 8 p.m. Friday on Wisconsin Public Television.
I don’t know why, but I am still always amazed when I get fully pulled into a documentary film. I can’t figure out why I am surprised, since it happens so often. But, the next POV caught me off guard again.
As a big racing fan, I thought I had seen every angle of the sport covered on TV, in film (What racing fan doesn’t love Kenny Rogers’ Six Pack?) and online. Then I watched Racing Dreams.
The film follows three teens who are regular schoolkids during the week and big-time racers on the national go-kart series by night. We get to jump into the cockpit with these kids that zip around the track inches off the ground at more than 60 mph and watch how they balance their high-speed hobby with the triumphs and trials of middle school.
It’s a fascinating story that both I and my non-racing fan friends watched with rapt attention. Hey, the Tribeca Film Festival judges agreed and gave it the award for best documentary.
So, tune in to the film, rev your engines and get to know the next superstars of NASCAR while they can’t yet legally drive a car! Watch the trailer below.
Program youtube Documentary films Film video Trailer PBS POV public television Wisconsin Public Television Wisconsin Public Television