The Dalai Lama: Change Your Mind Change the World
May 17, 2013 Leave a Comment
Watch full-length video from the Dalai Lama’s visit to Madison, Wis. for the Change Your Mind Change the World event.
On Wednesday, May 15, several of the world’s foremost thinkers joined the Dalai Lama in Madison to discuss how neuroscience, environments, economics, and healthcare can combine to make the world a healthier, happier place.
Wisconsin Public Television recorded two panel discussions featuring the Dalai Lama. Watch full-length video of both discussions below.
For more information on the panelists visit the Change Your Mind Change the World website. The event was co-hosted by Center for Investigating Healthy Minds at the Waisman Center and the Global Health Institute, both at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Conversations on Global Health and Well-being
Panelists: The Dalai Lama, Dr. Richard J. Davidson, Dr. Ilona Kickbusch, Dr. Jonathan Patz, Dr. Don Berwick, Richard Layard; Moderated by Daniel Goleman
Conversations on Science, Happiness and Well-being
Panelists: The Dalai Lama, Dr. Richard J. Davidson, Dr. Jonathan Patz, Matthieu Ricard; Moderated by Arianna Huffington
Dalai Lama Arianna Huffington Change Your Mind Change the World
Karen says:
Hello Michael,
Have you explored for getting in touch with scholars interested in similar areas?
Michael Valenti, MD, MPH says:
I am happy to see that mindfulness and emotional health is being recognized and addressed in this great discussion. I have been working on emotional trauma, mental health and recovery myself and would like to get in contact with interested people to discuss my perspective. Can you help?
Susan Gundrum says:
This event was amazing and the people I met on this journey were fascinating. Thank you.
Richard Frank says:
Neither video is playable on either site…help? Thanks.
Fnael says:
Erm…where are the videos? On my screen, it shows only black rectangles, with no possibility to play the videos.