Remembering Pete Seeger in Song

January 28, 2014

We are all sad to hear of the passing of folk legend Pete Seeger Monday at his home in New…

Watch Downton Abbey and Sherlock online now!

January 27, 2014

Okay, okay. We know that last night’s TV lineup was filled with lots of choices. Surely, some of you chose…

The PBS NewsHour Meets The Daily Show

January 23, 2014

“We totally missed twerking. We didn’t cover Miley Cyrus nearly enough… And we might get an award for that.” If…

Sesame Street + The Sopranos = Christmas Joy

December 20, 2013

I am proud to say – like so many of us – that I grew up a devoted Sesame Street…

Stay Classy, North Dakota: Ron Burgundy is Here

December 2, 2013

If your Thanksgiving holiday travel took you to North Dakota – specifically the Bismarck or Minot area – then you…

An Intrepid News Frog From Thanksgiving’s Past

November 28, 2013

We’ve heard that high winds on the East Coast might ground the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons. To offset the…

Oscar the Grouch vs. Grumpy Cat: The Ultimate Showdown

November 13, 2013

The Internet is responsible for many wonders – from the earliest days of the Dancing Baby showing up online and…

Former Packer Antonio Freeman Discusses Concussion Safety and Prevention

October 4, 2013

When Wisconsin Public Television interviewed former Green Bay Packers wide receiver Antonio Freeman for the upcoming Director’s Cut episode on…