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In today’s sports world, fans often believe they have the right to belittle and verbally abuse referees for calls they don’t agree with. Parents are seen berating their own children after games, and coaches and their teams display disrespect for opposing teams. All this begs the question, what is happening to good sportsmanship in prep sports? On the next television broadcast of Teen Connection, a panel of young people and adult experts will discuss the state of teen sportsmanship – good and bad – in kids and prep sports.

The highly competitive nature of prep sports intensifies emotions that can get out of hand. This episode of Teen Connection explores the issues of sportsmanship with a panel of experts and athletes from Green Bay East High School.

William Gosse, president of TeamScore Inc. will appear on the program to discuss how parents, coaches, players, officials and fans can work together to create a positive environment that fosters good sportsmanship.

Mike LeMay also will appear on the panel. LeMay is a prep referee for basketball, football and baseball.

John Underwood will appear in a taped interview. He is the president and founder ofAmerican Athletic Institute, a consulting firm that addresses several sports-related problems including hazing, sportsmanship, and drug and alcohol abuse.

The program also will feature interviews with Green Bay Packers defensive end Ryan Pickett and former Packers defensive end Aaron Kampman. These professional athletes will discuss the consequences of bad sportsmanship.

Toll-free phone service is provided by Nsight Long Distance.

Host Kathryn Bracho appears courtesy of WBAY-TV/Green Bay.

Statement to the Communities We Serve

There is no place for racism in our society. We must work together as a community to ensure we no longer teach, or tolerate it.  Read the full statement.