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Frederica Freyberg: Leading up to November, a number of bipartisan groups have been holding events across the state to preemptively quell concerns about potential voter fraud. One bipartisan group of Wisconsin’s former Republican and Democratic members of Congress held one such event in La Crosse this week to discuss and answer questions about election integrity and security.
Reid Ribble: I will tell you, the last place on earth any illegal immigrant wants to be is at a government operation where they might be captured and deported. They are not voting. Now you talked about non-citizens, but there are legal immigrants that are non-citizens. And that’s where you typically have the disconnect where they have to track it. But the idea that someone who came through the border six months ago is going in to vote is to me, I look at it and think, that is like the most absurd idea and one out of just not understanding how these undocumented workers that are moving about this underground economy in the U.S. operate. They do not want to be caught. They’re not coming in to vote. They just aren’t.
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