[inspirational orchestral music]
– The following program is a PBS Wisconsin original production.
[trumpet fanfare]
– Narrator: Every October, Wisconsin’s most talented high school musicians gather in Madison to participate in a unique workshop.
[trumpet fanfare]
Under the guidance of acclaimed conductors, over 400 students from across the state take center stage with their peers.
Five ensembles… two days… one unforgettable experience!
Welcome to the 2023 Wisconsin School Music Association State Honors Concerts!
– Announcer: Funding for the State Honors Concerts is provided by donors to the Focus Fund for the Arts, and Friends of PBS Wisconsin.
[fast orchestral music]
[“Festive Overture” by Dmitri Shostakovich]
[cheers and applause]
[“KwaMashu”, South African folk song by Theodore Cookson]
[singing in Zulu, moderately quick]
Wenuse benza KwaMashu maye
Wenuse benza KwaMashu maye
KwaMashu Maye
KwaMashu maye
Wenuse benza
KwaMashu maye
Wenuse benza
KwaMashu maye
Wenuse benza
KwaMashu maye
Wenuse benza
KwaMashu maye
Wenuse benza
KwaMashu maye
Wenuse benza
KwaMashu maye
KwaMashu maye
KwaMashu Maye
Wenuse benza
KwaMashu maye
Wenuse benza
KwaMashu maye
Wenuse benza
KwaMashu maye
Wenuse benza
KwaMashu maye
Tiwiwi wiwi
Tiwiwi tiwi
Tiwiwi wiwi
Tiwi Tiwiwiwiwiwi
Tiwiwi Tiwi
Tiwiwi Tiwi
Tiwiwi wiwi
[stomp, clap]
Tiwiwi wiwi
Tiwiwi wiwi
Tiwiwi wiwi
Wenuse benza KwaMashu maye
Wenuse benza KwaMashu maye
KwaMashu Maye
[vocalizing, patting dejembe]
[cheers, whistles, and applause]
– Andrew Last: Gosh, it’s good to be with you tonight! I have had such a great time with these incredible, incredible musicians. We got together in June and made some incredible music. And they kind of set the bar pretty high at that, at that summer camp. They worked their tails off.
And I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but they’re not standing in sections. They’re standing quartets– so none of them are standing next to their same part. And that is a certain level of musicianship right there, especially when it’s not an ensemble that you sing with during the normal school year.
So they have done exceptional work in that area, and I am so glad and happy to share and showcase their talents with you tonight.
[cheers and applause]
[piano introduction]
[“Sweet Rivers” by Shawn Kirchner]
– Women: Sweet rivers of redeeming love
Lie just before mine eyes
Had I the pinions of a dove
I’d to those rivers fly
– Men and Women: I’d rise superior to my pain
With joy outstrip the wind
I’d cross o’er Jordan’s stormy waves
And leave the world behind
[piano interlude]
– Men: A few more days, or years at most
My troubles will be o’er
I hope to join the Heav’nly host
On Canaan’s happy shore
– Men and Women: My rapt’rous soul shall drink and feast
In love’s unbounded sea
The glorious hope of endless rest
Is ravishing to me
[rhythmic piano interlude]
O, come, my Savior, come away
And bear me through the sky
And bear me through the sky
Nor let thy chariot wheels delay
But quickly draw thou nigh
Then I shall join the angel throng
And circle round thy throne
I’ll sing through all the ages long
And joy to be thine own
And joy to be thine own
To be thine own
Joy to be thine own
To be thine own
To be thine own
To be thine own
[inspiring piano interlude]
Sweet rivers of redeeming love
Lie just before mine eyes
Had I the pinions of a dove
I’d to those rivers fly
I’d rise superior to my pain
With joy outstrip the wind
I’d cross o’er Jordan’s stormy waves
And leave the world behind
I’d cross o’er Jordan’s stormy waves
And leave the world behind
Leave the world behind
Sweet rivers of redeeming love
Sweet rivers of redeeming love
Sweet rivers of redeeming love
Lie just before mine eyes
[rapturous cheering and applause]
[“Aurora Awakes” by John Mackey]
[gentle percussion, woodwinds]
[energy and tempo quicken]
[melody accelerates]
[cheers and applause]
[“Hope Lingers On” by Lissa Schekenburger]
My mother, when love is gone
My mother, when love is gone
In our darkest hour, hope lingers on
My father, when peace is gone
My father, when peace is gone
In our darkest hour, hope lingers on
[accompanied by cajn and shaker]
I will not hate, and I will not fear
In our darkest hour, hope lingers here
My sister, when equality’s gone
My sister, when equality’s gone
In our darkest hour, hope lingers on
My brother, [clap] with tolerance gone [clap]
My brother, [clap] with tolerance gone [clap]
In our darkest hour, hope lingers on
[stomping, then clapping]
I will not hate, and I will not fear
In our darkest hour, hope lingers here
My love, when honor is gone
My love, when honor is gone
In our darkest hour, hope lingers on
My country, when justice is gone
My country, when justice is gone
In our darkest hour, hope lingers on
[fast clapping]
I will not hate
and I will not fear
In our darkest hour
hope lingers here
I will not hate
and I will not fear
In our darkest hour
[rhythmic percussion]
Hope lingers here
[shimmery percussion]
Hope lingers here
[high-energy cheers and applause]
– Julie Skadsem: Parents, thank you for investing in your kids’ social and emotional health. Choir and music, the arts are really where it’s at right now. Coming out of COVID, so many kids are so lost. And having them have this sort of ensemble to be a part of builds their strength, it builds their relationships, and it gives them a home away from your home.
[speaking with great emotion]
So, thank you!
[“Vichten”, a joyful modern Acadian folk song]
[nonsense French syllables]
– Soloist: Vichten a ven a ven Vichten a ven a va
Vichten a ven a ven a ven a ven a va va
Taria a ka ta ka shoon ta ka shoon ta ka shoon
Taria ka ta ka shoon
Vichten a ven a va
[nonsense French syllables]
– Choir: Vichten a ven a ven Vichten a ven a va
Vichten a ven a ven a ven a ven a va va
Taria a ka ta ka shoon ta ka shoon ta ka shoon
Taria ka ta ka shoon vichten a ven a va
Ala couchi oom shoo shla Ha!
Ala couchi oom shoo shla Ha!
Bi bi bit’n taria
Bodnah bi bodne bit’n taria
Stalawala w’d da lia bibodn ne’
Bi bi bit’n taria
Bodnah bi bodne
Stalawala w’d da lia bibodn ne’
Bi bi bit’n taria oo!
Vichten a ven a ven Vichten a ven a va
Vichten a ven a ven a ven a ven a va va
Ala couchi oom shoo shla
Ala couchi oom shoo shla
Ala couchi oom shoo shla lizabeta
Ala couchi oom shoo shla
Ala couchi oom shoo shla lizabeta
Ala couchi oom shoo shla
Bi bi bit’n taria
Bodnah bi bodne
Stalawala w’d da lia bibodn ne’
Bi bi bit’n taria bodnah bi bodne
Stalawala w’d da lia bibodn ne’
Bi bi bi ten oo!
Vichten a ven a ven Vichten a ven a va
Vichten a ven a ven a ven a ven a va va
Taria aka taka shoon taka shoon taka shoon
Taria aka taka shoon vichten a ven a Hah!
Vichten a ven a ven Vichten a ven a va
Vichten a ven a ven a ven a ven a va va
Taria aka taka shoon taka shoon taka shoon
Taria aka taka shoon vichten a ven a Hah!
Vichten a ven a ven Vichten a ven a va
Vichten a ven a ven a ven a ven a va va
Taria aka taka shoon taka shoon taka shoon
Taria aka taka shoon vichten a ven a Hah!
[cheers, whistles, and applause]
[“Black Ball Swing” by Marcus Shelby]
[drum solo]
[full band playing up tempo jazz]
[sparkly piano]
[improvised bari sax solo]
[modern big band music]
[improvised trumpet solo]
[improvised trombone solo]
[improvised trumpet solo]
[improvised piano solo]
[improvised drum solo]
[push-and-pull rhythm]
[grand flourish]
[cheers and applause]
[“Symphonic Metamorphosis” by Paul Hindemith]
[trumpet and trombone fanfare]
[moody woodwind melody]
[bouncy string accompaniment]
[mid-tempo symphony]
[loud dissonance]
[cymbal crash]
[entire orchestra together]
[lighthearted melody]
[celebratory tone]
[serious, dramatic mood]
[cheers and applause]
[piano solo with slow, somber chords]
[“Love: Then and Still” by Susan Labarr]
We were married in late September
Among the changing leaves
Crimson banners in the courtyard
Heralding our union
We were so happy then
[piano interlude]
The music we shared brought us together
Brought us together
A duet most unlikely
Work and home and son and daughter
Busy in joy and love
How simple it seemed, then
[piano interlude]
But who could have known
what fate awaited
Our little family of four?
A spectre came and dwelt among us
And robbed us of our joy
And then we were only three
[piano interlude]
But time has passed
And wounds have healed
And wounds have healed
Leaving scars behind
But scars remind us
Remind us
What was, and what yet may be
What yet may be
That we loved
that we loved
That we loved
that we loved
That we loved that we loved
That we loved
that we loved
That we loved
And love you still
[slow, somber piano chords]
– Peter Haberman: What a privilege it has been for me– in the last couple days, as well as June– to be back in the great state of Wisconsin, helping celebrate all that’s good about music education here. It’s been wonderful to be back and you have a lot to be proud of here.
The next piece we’re about to play for you is by Leonard Bernstein. It’s a fun parody, it’s cheeky, it’s cute, it’s precious, it’s difficult. It’s called “Slava!” He wrote it for his friend and that was his friend’s nickname.
Here is Bernstein’s “Slava!”
[quirky, up tempo orchestral music]
[“Slava!” by Leonard Bernstein]
[rousing and festive tune]
[vaudevillian razz-ma-tazz tune]
[harmonious melody]
[sliding trombones]
[melody speeds up]
– Slava! (Russian for “Glory!”)
[cheers and applause]
[piano solo introduction]
[“Music Down In My Soul” arranged by Moses Hogan]
I hear music in the air
[piano interlude]
I can feel it in the air
There must be a God somewhere
[piano interlude]
Over my head
I hear music in the air
Over my head I hear music in the air
Over my head I hear music in the air
There must be a God somewhere
Over my head
I hear singing in the air
Over my head I hear singing in the air
Over my head
I hear singing in the air
There must be a God
There must be a God
There must be a God somewhere
[gospel style piano accompaniment]
I got this music down in my soul
And it fills my heart with the joy of the Lord!
I got this music down in my soul
And it fills my heart with the joy of the Lord!
I’ve got joy!
I’ve got it, joy everlasting
I’ve got peace!
I’ve got it, peace everlasting
I’ve got love!
I’ve got it, love everlasting
I’ve got joy!
I’ve got it, joy everlasting
Love in my heart
Oh yes, I got peace in my soul
Oh yes, I got joy in my heart
Joy today!
I got this music down in my soul
And it fills my heart with the joy of the Lord!
I got this music down in my soul
And it fills my heart with the joy of the Lord!
I’ve got joy!
I’ve got it, joy everlasting
I’ve got peace!
I’ve got it, peace everlasting
I’ve got love!
I’ve got it, love everlasting
I’ve got joy!
I’ve got it, joy everlasting
Love in my heart
Oh yes, I got peace in my soul
Oh yes, I got joy in my heart
Joy today!
Do you love the Lord?
I love the Lord!
Do you love the Lord?
I love the Lord!
Do you love the Lord?
I love the Lord!
Do you love the Lord?
I love the Lord!
Do you love the Lord?
I love the Lord!
Do you love the Lord?
I love the Lord!
Well, I’ve got joy!
I’ve got it, joy everlasting!
I’ve got joy!
I’ve got it, joy everlasting!
I’ve got it, peace everlasting!
I’ve got it, peace everlasting!
I’ve got it, love everlasting!
Music down in my soul
And it fills my heart with the joy of the Lord!
I got this music down in my soul
And it fills my heart with the joy of the Lord!
I’ve got joy!
I’ve got it, joy everlasting
I’ve got peace!
I’ve got it, peace everlasting
I’ve got love!
I’ve got it, love everlasting
I’ve got joy!
I’ve got it, joy everlasting
Love in my heart
Oh yes, I got peace in my soul
Oh yes, I got joy in my heart
I got joy!
I got peace!
I got love!
In my soul!
[piano glissando]
[thundering cheers and applause]
– Announcer: Funding for the 2023 WSMA State Honors Concerts was provided by donors to the Focus Fund for the Arts and Friends of PBS Wisconsin.
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