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Frederica Freyberg: Finally, tonight we are super sad to report that fellow colleague and former PBS Wisconsin journalist Art Hackett passed away last weekend after battling illness.
Art Hackett: I’m one of those odd folks who knew what they wanted to be when they were in the fourth or fifth grade and managed to do it for over 40 years, 30 of them here in Wisconsin.
Frederica Freyberg: Art was an institution here. Our primary political news reporter for 31 years. His award-winning work included a documentary titled “Water Rich, Water Poor, ” a program his daughter tells us was among those he was most proud of.
Art Hackett: Since people have been asking whether Wisconsin has enough water to share, we decided to ask the question.
Frederica Freyberg: Art was keenly smart, intrepid and hardworking. He reported for several news programs over the years, and I’m told he never missed a deadline. Art retired in 2010 and lived near family in Iowa. Art Hackett was 74.
Art Hackett: For “Here & Now,” I’m Art Hackett.
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