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Announcer: The following program is a PBS Wisconsin original production. You’re watching “Here & Now” 2024 election coverage.
Frederica Freyberg: Unremitting presidential campaign visits underscore the narrowing focus to win over Wisconsin voters no matter what county they live in. I’m Frederica Freyberg. Tonight on “Here & Now,” a look at where the presidential candidates visited and why. And how candidates intensified rhetoric on immigration falls short of the facts. And finally, Marquette Law School poll director Charles Franklin has the latest voter opinions. It’s “Here & Now” for October 4.
Announcer: Funding for “Here & Now” is provided by the Focus Fund for Journalism and Friends of PBS Wisconsin.
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There is no place for racism in our society. We must work together as a community to ensure we no longer teach, or tolerate it. Read the full statement.
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