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Frederica Freyberg:
In the wake of the protests in the summer of 2020, the Madison Police Department commissioned a report from a criminal justice research center at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. The report looked at how Madison police handled use of force during the protests. The report makes 69 recommendations to the department for how to better handle protests that turn violent, largely focusing on a “less is more” approach. The recommendations include using small, mobile police forces instead of large police lines. Communicating more with protesters before and during demonstrations. Having more training for police officers. Having them wear body cameras and limiting use of tear gas for only when there is a risk of imminent physical danger to people or property.
Shon Barnes:
Everyone should avoid CS gas whenever possible. That is — I agree with that statement 110%. But we have to understand that there’s always something that we have to weigh and that is the harm to human beings, the harm to life.
Frederica Freyberg:
The Madison police chief says he plans to adopt all 69 of the report’s recommendations.
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