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The following program is a PBS Wisconsin original production.
Mark Born:
So we are here today to take the funds from that veto, introduce legislation to return that money to the taxpayer. Basically we’re giving the governor a second chance to do the right thing.
Frederica Freyberg:
Republicans float another tax plan and a visit to Wisconsin from the First Lady focuses on health care as costs for ten Medicare drugs could soon deflate.
I’m Frederica Freyberg. Tonight on “Here & Now,” analysis of the new GOP tax proposal. Insights into the dysfunction on the state’s high court, the latest attempts to remove the elections administrator. And what kind of relief Medicare recipients can expect to see on drug prices. It is “Here & Now” for September 1.
Funding for “Here & Now” is provided by the Focus Fund for Journalism and Friends of PBS Wisconsin.
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There is no place for racism in our society. We must work together as a community to ensure we no longer teach, or tolerate it. Read the full statement.
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