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The following program is a PBS Wisconsin original production.
Frederica Freyberg:
Election day may be in the rear view, but clerks are still hard at work to certify the official results. The arrival of wintery weather means retreating indoors and an opportunity for viruses to thrive. LGBTQ issues are under new scrutiny on school boards and are moves to curb inflation cooling the economy?
I’m Frederica Freyberg. Tonight on “Here & Now,” what will happen to the Wisconsin Elections Commission? Its chair joins us. We hear from a Green Bay doctor about respiratory viruses filling up hospitals. The venomous rhetoric that led to a Rice Lake school board resignation and what’s exactly is going on with the economy? It’s “Here & Now” for November 18.
Funding for “Here & Now” is provided by the Focus Fund for Journalism and Friends of PBS Wisconsin.
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Statement to the Communities We Serve
There is no place for racism in our society. We must work together as a community to ensure we no longer teach, or tolerate it. Read the full statement.
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