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Tammy Baldwin: I was raised by my grandparents. I got to see at a very early age the difference that Medicare and Social Security, but particularly Medicare made in our family’s economic security. It is one that I think– it’s a program that I think isn’t just a program, but it’s a promise.
Tommy Thompson: And all those over the age of 50, the year 2020, are going to have the current Medicare. But those 50 and under, in the year 2020, are going to have a choice. Not a voucher. That was yesterday’s news with somebody else. Not me.
Tammy Baldwin: To have read a report just hours before taking this stage that you have tens of thousands of dollars in investments in companies that do business with Iran, including a company that teams up with Iran doing uranium mining in Africa. I find that shocking. And if you want to be tough on Iran, we have to isolate Iran. We have to make sure that companies don’t do business, excuse me, companies don’t do business, to make sure that they are isolated in the world stage. And that’s one of the ways that we are going to be successful, I still hope, without war. But with tough sanctions.
Tommy Thompson: She also received the $60,000 in campaign funds. $60,000, ladies and gentlemen, for a campaign from a company that believes and supports no sanctions in Iran. I heard about this stock.
Tammy Baldwin: Who are you talking about?
Tommy Thompson: I heard about
Tammy Baldwin: You can’t
Tommy Thompson: Wait a minute. Let me finish. Let me finish. You’ll have two minutes. Let me finish. You want to interrupt me, Joe Biden. Just give me a chance. The other thing is, ladies and gentlemen, is that she’s talking about stock. I didn’t know about the fact that my stockbroker had purchased two shares, two company stocks. I sold it. I sold it today. I do not– I do not– I found out today and I sold it today. I do not tolerate– I do not agree with anybody doing business with Iran. None whatsoever. I would certainly support anything that we could do on a bipartisan basis to be able to improve and cut back on spending. If there’s anything that we can do to hold down on spending, we have to do it. We have to learn to live within our means.
Tammy Baldwin: There are many things upon which Tommy Thompson and I agree and we’ve actually, it may be a surprise to those in the room who have heard a heated debate, but worked closely over my years in the state legislature and when he was secretary.
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