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Frederica Freyberg:
In news from the capitol, the Republican-led Legislature is fast-tracking a property tax relief bill after Scott Walker went public with the plan Thursday.
Scott Walker:
Today, I am pleased to announce that we are calling a special session of the Wisconsin State Legislature to enact a bill that will provide $100 million of property tax relief to the hard-working taxpayers of this state. That’s $100 million worth of tax relief for working families, for senior citizens, for farmers and for small business owners all across the state.
Frederica Freyberg:
The governor says the $100 million comes from a state surplus of revenue. It represents a $13 reduction on this December’s tax bill for average homeowners. The measure is expected to go before the full legislature next week and be signed next weekend. This is what Mary Burke had to say about Walker’s property tax plan.
Mary Burke:
I’m all in favor of lower taxes and supporting our schools. But I’d have to make sure that it is really doing just that, and it’s doing it in a way that’s fiscally responsible and balancing the budget. I have a track record in the private sector of balancing the budget and being fiscally responsible. I think we have to make sure the state is doing just that.
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