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Barack Obama: Hello, Wisconsin!
Mitt Romney: What a great state. What a great welcome. And, by the way, this state is going to help me become the next president of the United States.
Frederica Freyberg: In the final days of Campaign 2012, both candidates pin their victory on Wisconsin.
Barack Obama: In the closing weeks of this campaign, Governor Romney has been using all his talents as a salesman to dress up these very same policies that failed our country so badly. The very same policies we’ve been cleaning up after for the past four years. And he is offering them up as change.
Mitt Romney: Real change is not measured in words. Real change is measured in achievements. And four years ago, candidate Obama promised to do so very much. But he’s fallen so very short. He promised to be a post-partisan president, but he became the most partisan, blaming, attacking, dividing.
Barack Obama: We know what the future requires. We don’t need a big government agenda or a small government agenda. We need a middle class agenda that rewards hard work and responsibility.
Mitt Romney: The same course we have been on will not lead to a better destination.
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