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Frederica Freyberg:
Now for a Wisconsin Look at election news and a who’s who' index of people making noise about running for governor in 2018. The Democratic race for Wisconsin governor has seen new additions this past week. Declaring their interest to enter the race this week are Representative Dana Wachs of Eau Claire and businesswoman Michele Doolan of Cross Plains. They join Andy Gronik and Bob Harlow, who announced their intent to jump into the Democratic primary earlier this year. Next we have a slate of candidates who filed paperwork to run but have yet to declare. These are newly-reelected State Superintendent of Schools, Tony Evers, former Representative Brett Hulsey, political activist Mike McCabe and Senator Kathleen Vinehout. Joining them are two lesser-known figures, Ramona Whittaker and Jeffrey Rumbaugh. Finally, there are a group of individuals who have not filed paperwork to run, but whose names have been floated as potential contenders. Among these are Madison Mayor Democrat Paul Soglin and former Democratic State Party Chair Matt Flynn.
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