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Frederica Freyberg:
Governor Tony Evers expects to act quickly to distribute the more than 3 billion federal dollars coming to Wisconsin in COVID, saying he wants to get the money out the door as fast as possible.
Tony Evers:
To deal with the issues that are a direct result of the pandemic and that’s getting it out to small businesses, people in the child care industry, tourism industry, and obviously to make sure that our public health system is working appropriately. Our goal is to get it out the door and get it out the door, frankly, in the same way we have in the past. There’s many, many people in the state of Wisconsin that have needs and we have to make sure that we meet those needs. And so there will be no shortage of opportunities for us to help out the people of Wisconsin after that money comes in the door. Of course, we always have to wait for the regulations and I know that that will take a little bit of time. But once we get it, we’ll be in a position to serve the people of Wisconsin, especially those who have suffered the most in this pandemic.
Frederica Freyberg:
It has been one year since Governor Tony Evers declared the first public health emergency because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This week, he recognized the toll and tragedy of losing more than 6500 people in Wisconsin to the outbreak. And he thanked the work of so many on the frontlines. Evers says vaccines provide a light at the end of the tunnel.
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Statement to the Communities We Serve
There is no place for racism in our society. We must work together as a community to ensure we no longer teach, or tolerate it. Read the full statement.
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