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Zac Schultz:
In other election news, a Waukesha County judge ruled Wednesday that election clerks cannot fill in missing witness address information on absentee ballot envelopes, saying only the voter or the witness may correct the missing information.
Also this week, the Wisconsin Elections Commission adopted new guidance for clerks. This comes after a federal judge ruled last week that voters with disabilities must be ensured the right to get assistance returning an absentee ballot. The commission argued over whether the voter or the assistant must provide their address or certification. The commission voted 4-2 that neither should be required to fill out additional paperwork.
Mark Thomsen:
The federal court’s order was that we issue guidance consistent with the Voting Rights Act. How can we create a hurdle? Aren’t we poking the federal judge? I mean, how do we change the rule for disabled voters in 2022 when they’ve never had to do this in 2016, 2018 or 2020?
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