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Frederica Freyberg:
We go now to the heart of Wisconsin's 1st District and a look ahead to the November election. As we just mentioned, two Democrats are already working the campaign trail in the district. “Here and Now” reporter Marisa Wojcik spoke with Cathy Myers in Janesville and Randy Bryce in Racine.
Paul Ryan:
And on that score, I think we have achieved a heck of a lot.
Marisa Wojcik:
When House Speaker Paul Ryan announced he would not be seeking re-election in the fall, the Democratic challengers to Wisconsin's 1st Congressional District were optimistic, but not surprised.
Cathy Myers:
My initial reaction was one of a feeling of opportunity.
Randy Bryce:
It had been a rumor for months. It wasn’t the first time I heard it. So I knew it was a possibility.
Cathy Myers:
We had some indication that there was some big news coming at one point or another. I didn’t think it was going to happen on a Wednesday morning at quarter to 8:00.
Marisa Wojcik:
Cathy Myers, a teacher, and Randy Bryce, a former iron worker, have been campaigning for months and are convinced the blue wave was behind Ryan's departure.
Cathy Myers:
I think Paul Ryan was running scared. I think he saw the writing on the wall and realized that he was going to face a huge challenge this year.
Randy Bryce:
But that’s why we got in. It was the goal when we got in last June was to repeal and replace Paul Ryan. And it’s great to see that we did push him out.
Marisa Wojcik:
Both Democrats disagree with Ryan on issues like health care and taxes.
Cathy Myers:
When Paul Ryan proposed the health care plan that he passed last year in the House and people realized that 48,900 of his own constituents would lose access to health care, they were appalled.
Randy Bryce:
After giving $1.5 trillion to people that don’t need that as a break, then saying we can’t afford where we’re at now because of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, saying we’re paying too much into that, calling them entitlements. Well these are things that people have paid into their entire lives.
Marisa Wojcik:
Myers and Bryce see Ryan's retirement as a bellwether for how this race is in Democrats’ favor.
Cathy Myers:
It's true there has been a history of Republicans winning in this district. But recent events like the retirement of Paul Ryan and also trends that we’re seeing nationally lead me to believe that we are in excellent position to take this seat.
Randy Bryce:
It's very winnable. It’s something that we’re looking forward to. If they’re anything close to the numbers we’ve seen for all the special elections, it’s going to be a win for us in November.
Marisa Wojcik:
Even with Ryan's announcement, Bryce and Myers are planning to maintain the campaign strategy they’ve already laid out.
Cathy Myers:
Our campaign strategy has always been about voter contact. That hasn’t changed a bit.
Randy Bryce:
As far as strategy, it’s all about reaching people, a people-powered campaign.
Cathy Myers:
We're going to have the strongest grassroots campaign in the country.
Randy Bryce:
All we have to do is get this momentum going and all this enthusiasm to make sure people make it to the polls in November.
Cathy Myers:
All of that energy is going to really help the momentum that we’ve already started in our — with our campaign. And it’s just going to add to it.
Marisa Wojcik:
Because of that energy, the Democrats are feeling the winds of change.
Randy Bryce:
Yesterday right after the announcement, I’m walking outside, just how beautiful the weather was. It was as if spring finally arrived in Wisconsin after a cold winter. Birds were chirping and I'd like to think that it wasn’t a coincidence.
Marisa Wojcik:
Until November, Democratic and Republican challengers will have to weather a contentious race.
Frederica Freyberg:
The Democratic primary election for candidates Myers and Bryce will be held on August 14th.
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