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Frederica Freyberg: In other news, just before Christmas, former state Senator Tim Cullen of Janesville passed away.
Tim Cullen: I believe that anybody who is going to vote for this bill ought to go to Mellen.
Frederica Freyberg: Cullen served in the Senate from 1974 to 1986, including as Majority leader. He was then appointed Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services under former Governor Tommy Thompson. Cullen left for the private sector, becoming the VP of Blue Cross and Blue Shield, only to reenter politics, running and winning his seat back in the state Senate in 2010. He was among the 14 Senate Democrats who fled Wisconsin over the Act 10 vote. He retired in 2013. In retirement, Cullen advocated strenuously against legislative gerrymandering. He was the author of three books. Former state Senator Tim Cullen was 80 years old. Former state senator Republican George Petak also passed away December 23rd. Petak cast the deciding vote to fund construction of Miller Park. That 1995 vote cost Petak his Senate seat but kept the Milwaukee Brewers franchise in Wisconsin. He was 75.
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