What We Watch: Mouna Algahaithi

June 21, 2019

Mouna Algahaithi, WPT’s new education engagement specialist, started at the station as an education and community engagement intern in May…

From WPT Education: Kids and Screen Time

October 20, 2017

Why is it so hard to give a 2-year-old a device?  Is it because we feel guilty?    Sara DeWitt,…

Happy Birthday, Daniel Tiger! Watch his 1954 TV debut

April 5, 2017

Happy birthday, Daniel Tiger! Watch our favorite little tiger puppet make his April 5, 1954 TV debut on WQED’s  “The…

Five Incredibly Catchy PBS Theme Songs

May 19, 2016

My brain’s wonderful at sopping up theme songs, commercial jingles and mediocre 1990s pop songs like a sponge. Is it…

Your Daily Dose of Cute, ‘Sesame Street’ Style

July 11, 2015

It’s hard to decide which Sesame Street star is the cutest. Whether it’s a touching moment with Elmo or an important…

Giving Curiosity a Kick-Start

June 25, 2015

Meet Joshua Frank from Fall River. I asked Josh if he could sum up why Wisconsin Public Television is important….

Healthy Eating has its Rewards

April 23, 2015

A little creativity could earn you and your kids a seat at a state dinner in the White House. The…

New Song Captures All 50 States, Saves Best for Last

January 13, 2015

Our friends at PBS Learning Media tapped Forrest Kline from the band hellogoodbye to record this cool new song about…